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I’m so glad you’re here.

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Who is Mallory Wilson 

Mallory Wilson is an ACC Trained Life and Leadership Coach based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Mallory has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science and Communications and has built a career in Marketing, Sales, and Corporate Talent Development. In her personal life, she is an RYT 200 Certified Yoga Instructor and practitioner. She thoroughly enjoys a glass (or two) of red wine, and is the mother to an amazingly spunky 5-year-old boy who keeps her on her toes daily.

 Throughout young adulthood and into the life of a single working mother, Mallory is no stranger to feeling disconnected, stuck and at times directionless. She started her journey of self-discovery though working with a Coach and Spinal Energy Doctor. Slowly but surely, she began to hear the voice of her soul whispering that she was meant to live her life as her whole self. That meant figuring out and relearning who that was. Through a great deal of exploration, ups, and downs it became clear that coaching others was the step she had been looking for.


Mallory has seen firsthand the power of self-discovery and breakthroughs that a Life Coach can help create. She has a passion for working with people to discover their greatness. If you have ever felt like you want more out of your relationships, career, or life in general, she is the perfect coach for you. Specializing in working with women who feel stuck in place, Mallory helps each client get out of their own way and into the life they have only dared to dream.

Monumental growth starts with a singular seed. Growing pains are inevitable but the leap outside of your comfort zone will take you to new heights. Where do you want to see your life one year from now? Is it different? Mallory Wilson can help you get there. Reach out for a no strings attached sample coaching session to see if it is the right path for you.

Together, we will discover who you always have been and we’re always meant to be.


What People Are Saying

“Mallory's easy, conversational and no pressure style led me along a path of more self-awareness and introspection that even I wasn't expecting. I did the work, I gave what was revealing itself to me a lot of thought and consideration and the process works! I recognized things about myself that were so covered up in "life" and with a few very simple exercises and guidance from Mallory, was able to understand where the obstacles and blocks were coming from and how to re-direct my thoughts about them. Mallory has converted me and I'm a believer and huge advocate of her work. I highly recommend Mallory and her work to anyone that needs a fresh perspective on, well, just about anything.”

— KATHY, Past Client

Mallory is so wonderful! She is a great, active listener and is very friendly, encouraging, and optimistic. She has a gift for seeing the potential in others and drawing that out of people to help them become the best version of themselves. I would highly recommend her life coaching services, and she's just a wonderful person all the way around!

— Laura, Current Client

”I’ve been working with Mallory for quite some time and can not say enough great things! She is an incredible listener and helps put everything in perspective. Would highly recommend her as a life coach!”

-Hannah, Current Client

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Ever wonder what working with a Life Coach could do for you?

What doors could you open and what kind of life could you create when your limitations are no more?